Friday, January 27, 2012

Tent kitty

(Princess) Sophia is the only survivor of whatever decimated our outdoor, wild cat population last year.  She's a tough cookie, and has survived despite losing her two (grown) kittens and K.D. (a cat we think was the kitty daddy).  She's plumped out with quite a thick coat and takes her duties as quilt inspector seriously.  She's lately gotten into trouble for once again liking to make her bed on a quilt loaded on the longarm, and making it sag.  It's a cat hammock, isn't it?

Yesterday I went back to the sewing room, and I knew I hadn't left a quilt loaded--since I had just taken one off.  I used the excess backing and batting to quilt some place mats, which I left draped on the top roller.  I guess it looked like the perfect tent for a kitty.  You can see that I barely disturbed her slumber.  

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