Monday, January 09, 2012

So close...

I was so close to finishing...  I put a top together from crumb blocks I found when looking through some stuff.  I just needed two more more blocks to make a nice sized quilt set on point.  Got it loaded, quilted, and was pretty close to finishing the top stitching on the binding, when the power went off!

No warning, no thunder and lightning, no flickering.  One minute everything was on and then everything was off.  It stayed off for a little over an hour, enough time to light a bunch of candles, and light the stove to warm up leftovers.  I'm always grateful that we have a gas stove, heater, and water heater when our power goes off.  It was too late to go back out to the sewing room by the time the power came back on, but I'll finish it up this morning.

I already went out to turn the heat on in my sewing room and to try to capture pictures of the setting moon.  It was gorgeous, but not one of the 10 or so pictures I took was a keeper.  I fail miserably (with rare exceptiongs) at capturing the moon, and really should work on learning how to take decent pictures of it. 


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