Friday, August 15, 2014

Early morning color!

The skies were ablaze this morning!  There is also a feeling of fall in the air but with all the moisture we've had, everything is thriving...

We let flowering "weeds" have the run of the place.  A small sunflower variety started outside the front door, and it has now completely taken over.  I don't mind.  There is so much color. 
As I was coming back into the house, I spotted this "monster" by the picnic table.  It was just a mushroom that had broken through the soil.  We've had a few giant ones by the back door; the spores hanging around for favorable weather.  I wish I knew if they were edible.

On the quilting front, I finished quilting and binding three more tops from Tove.  This first one had a little accident...  It picked up color when I washed it with a batik quilt.  It uniformly dyed two of the fabrics, while leaving the one of the white background fabrics untouched!  

This alphabet quilt is my favorite!  Pat found an alphabet book to go with it!
 I was able to get two done on one long backing--a great rockets print.  It's nice to have some more quilts for boys!
 Trying to finish a few more before delivering quilts to Dr. Kaufman next week. 


1 comment:

Sewing Up A Storm said...

Wow if you tried to do the dyeing like that you would never be able to repeat it. I do not know how the quilt looked before but I really like the way it looks now!