Thursday, May 22, 2014

Flora & Fauna

Some quilting going on, but also lots of bird and bunny watching and cooking.  Made a couple of batches of jam, apricot, and apricot pineapple, which jelled.  Last time I made it, it was more of a sauce/syrup.  The bunnies continue to delight me.  

This little guy was right outside the living room window, helping with weeding the bindweed growing in between the yucca.

Late afternoon and this bunny dug a cool spot along the fence post to stretch out in after rolling in the dust a bit.

 Migrant birds are my favorite.  We're getting lots of warblers, and then for several days this rose breasted grosbeak hung around.  I knew we'd had one before and found a picture I took of one (perhaps the same bird?) last year May 16.  Pretty regular yearly visitor!

I've had this plant for a long a start from my friend Rosie who called it the "bathroom lilly" because she grew hers in the bathroom.  This year mine has decided to blossom.  It's a "queen's tears" or "friendship plant" which my friend informed me is a bromeliad native of Brazil.  I'll have to divide it up after it's done blossoming and share it with Pat.    

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