Monday, March 21, 2022

Knitting, knitting and a little snow

Wow, another year since I posted anything.  No reason in particular.  I've been knitting more than anything else.  I have quilted several quilts.  

For some reason I seem to wear out socks on the bottom center heel.  Commercially bought socks start getting really thin there and then finally wear out.  I got a Katrinkles darning loom, and have begun to darn my socks before a hole wears through.  As with most things, it takes practice.  

Rebecca had a pair of hand knit socks that she had worn out the toes on.  They were beyond darning.  I decided to try taking out knitting, picking up the stitches at a point where they were all solid, and knitted new toes.  It worked!  As one YouTube knitter I follow says, much faster than knitting a new pair of socks.  

I finally finished my vest which I had nearly finished and then just put it down.  When I picked it up again, it didn't take long to finish.  I usually have a number of projects going, and just get bored with some.  

I knitted a hat with leftover yarn from the vest.  


I must have gotten bored with working on these socks.  When I picked them up again I decided to try to make a more reinforced heel so that hopefully I'll avoid wearing a hole on the bottom of the heel.  

We got a wonderful rain that turned into snow today and was a heavy, slushy snow all day long.  Lots of much needed moisture.  


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